Nuevo Contacto (New Mail) Multi-user

Desde el 1 de marzo va a nacer el primer correo multi-utente para adaptarse al nuevo proyecto de equipo: Un nuevo correo para quien ha conocido mi carrera, para quien ha seguido mi historia, y para quien quiere tener una NUEVA REFERENCIA meritocratica de los servicios a la Persona(salud, bienestar, desarrollo) y Empresa VoySigueSigue leyendo «Nuevo Contacto (New Mail) Multi-user»

I.C.O.N. para RRHH, Empresas y Personas

Cuantas veces en la vida o en la empresa necesitamos un estandar para evaluar de manera Unitaria una experiencia, un producto, un recurso o una persona de manera rápida, eficaz y completa sin olvidarnos de la Dimensión Humana de la realidad. Sistemas como el ISO y otros certificados de calidad aplicados a concretos aspectos deSigueSigue leyendo «I.C.O.N. para RRHH, Empresas y Personas»

Everything Is Under Control

Life is…. Amazing. You can have the worse of days. But no one will know. If you don’t want to. And then you can ruminate about it. You can hide behind the shattered walls of Social Identity. Laughing at people for not being able to see you. And discharging all the hate your guts canSigueSigue leyendo «Everything Is Under Control»

The Hidden Path In The Wall

Hello guys, today I’d like to write you about an important change. Every change has a wonderful potential of creating new chances not only for those who are changing, but even for those who are close to you. If you followed my blog you have read that the last few months brought a lot ofSigueSigue leyendo «The Hidden Path In The Wall»

Some feelings have no public place

Today I’ve been facing one of the things I had to work the most with my patients. Death. Losing. Grief. But not in it’s final form. I’m talking about the anticipation of the end of the path for someone. There are so many illness today whose final destination is most likely to go toward theSigueSigue leyendo «Some feelings have no public place»