Life Fixing Powers: Online! ;)

Ooohhh Today is the day I’ve been back to work… I’m a f***ing workaholic I know, but for me fixing human mind (and body, and spirit) is like a sport, a wonderful intellectual and physical challenge with high sugar treat in the end (totally fat-free): Double Happiness!

Happiness x 1: I love when I make someone happy faster, better and with much more class than those who starve themselves following their titles or their «position». I’m a man with a huge package (of knowledge) but as always, I’m just Luca. And who is Luca? Luca is just a fool, like everyone, but he likes to strive to be the best. Being the best is a silly illusion as every second someone is better and someone is worse, but striving to be the best just for the fun? That’s the real deal!

Happiness x 2: Well… happiness isn’t always the goal, sometimes survival is more important, and upgrading you is the best way to you, creating your own path independently! I want you to spend your time to find your own resources, not on me. I want you to be able to live your life at 120%! You’re wonderful and your birth right is to thrive and be amazing in your unique way remembering you’re part of a greater world too!

So you know the soft part of me, but what about the hard one? I take my job very seriously because there are lives in the game. I don’t play with you. I respect you. Whoever you are. Because you’re a full grown universe. I pledge to be your Life Fixer with honor and all the power I can use because I want you to Live Happily Ever After. I don’t want to see you here in my office sad and miserable for months, years, decades… you come here that way and you go back to Life where you belong, where sadness, anger, hate, envy and the rest of them are just a small and fun part of a balanced personality.  Awareness is the way, not the Love, the Happiness, or those sugarcoated and false gods godless people creates to think they’re acting for the good of humanity.

I’m a complex man, an elephant in a crystal shop maybe as a few define me, but I learned how to dance, so don’t be scared and try to know me, as Elisa is going to do today. With an herbal infusion created at the moment for you only and my soft spot ready to listen. 



[Courtesy of Alex. Patient and friend who can see the best part of me even when I’m not at my best! 🙂]

(If you like it and can squeeze a few moments lo like, share and comment, you’re not doing it for you or for me, you’re making it for all of us! 😉)

Publicado por Luca Povoleri De Las Heras

"Communication is Beauty and Beauty will save the world." Hi, I'm Luca Povoleri, now Luca Povoleri De Las Heras after the 22th of September 2018 when I married the man I can lawfully call my husband. I'm a trilingual Life Adventurer working as a psychologist, manager, hr consultant, producer and of course coach with my "Optima Vita 360 - Life & Business" a unique coaching system based on my psychology experience translated into a coaching interface that creates a belief-free system world to improve people's life. I am an international published author with my bilingual book "Super-Viv(i)ente", a psychological survival manual considered a "New Voice" for psychological wellbeing in the covid world and to co-create a new #postcovid world. I'm published by Gruppo Albatros Il Filo in Europe and available in the best bookstores of Italy, Spain and UK. I'm Manager and Producer of one of the most amazing Photography Studios in Madrid where I'm in direct contact with the people making the trending topic of the world: celebrities, footballers, Hollywood actors, international singers etc... This part of my experience made me able to see both non-famous and famous different perspectives in life and love and that helps me connecting with people looking for meaning in a, hopefully, real 360* way. My field of expertise is Communication and Human Systems. I look for beauty and ethics in my work: productions, advertising and photography on one side, healing, empowerment and evolution on the other. We are more than we can see, so you can choose to live and die, or to keep living forever through the results of your actions. I think mankind has the need for evolution which is not a sure ending as most people say, it is a choice. In my spiritual search I trained in the old shamanic ways and I translated it to modern people who doesn't need shortcuts and drugs to reach deeper meditation states. I've been collecting my thougths and help people meditating through the Featherless Shaman shape. No feathers, no stories, Pure Experience, Zero Belief. In the meantime I write about holistic health, wellness and lgbt rights while leading empowerment meetings in Milan, Madrid, Ibizia and London as a Motivational Coach since 2010. Let's evolve together with hope and freedom from prejudice.

22 comentarios sobre “Life Fixing Powers: Online! ;)

    1. Anche io ho piacere di conoscerti e ti ringrazio davvero per il supporto che mi dai! Penso che se wordpress non rimane solo uno dei soliti luoghi virtuali dove fare «i fighi» ma serva invece per creare connessioni più forti data la possibilità di esplorarsi preventivamente allora sì ha una ragione per esistere! 😉✌🌹🌹🌹

      Me gusta

    1. I totally agree but false people abuse the word to justify every horrible deformation of life to take money. I love Love, that’s why I can’t stand those who proclaim themselves religion free than they just changes a few word. I prefer a real believer than a coward believer. We’re all «believers» on a strictly cognitive way of seeing that so I think whatever religion one «chooses» is good. But not faking «Love» this way. Love is precious and rare whether you talk of brotherhood, parents love or romantic love. It’s not a fast-food-like-concept…

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  1. I miei migliori auguri per il ritorno al lavoro. Dopo tutto quello che ti è passato e le difficoltà che hai superato, l’energia dei tuoi post è così vivificante che dai ispirazione ma con finezza. Continua così e se un giorno sarà possibile sarebbe un piacere anche per me conoscerti o venire a uno dei tuoi eventi. Buon lavoro!

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    1. Grazie mille Erick sempre un piacere! Sì sono un entusiasta ma non sono uno speciale o altro. Oggigiorno tutti vogliono essere speciali, si è perso il desiderio di accettare come siamo e costruirci con fatica ogni giorno. Io seguo un’idea simile al Self Made Man pre-crisi. Non ho bisogno di essere speciale per stare bene. Sono come tutti ma mi impegno come un matto e non mi fermo di fronte agli insuccessi! Poi mi piace molto il lavoro di squadra. Un po’ quello che insegnano agli psicologi e poi per l’ego di alcuni e questioni di profitto economico non si applica mai…

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  2. Nice post!! Premetto che sono nuovo e sto iniziando a conoscere il tuo Blog. Non posso comprendere pienamente il tuo scritto di oggi ma ho letto ieri quello italiano dell’orgoglio e posidonia e mi è piaciuto molto. Hai lavorato in Ibiza anche, devi esserti divertito molto anche! Sei molto giovane ma sembri sapere dove vai, chapeau! Buon inizio di lavori e quando inizierò il mio Blog spero passerai a farmi un saluto. Ti seguirò con piacere! Magari torna un po’ all’italiano anche…
    Un saluto!

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    1. Ciao Simon grazie mille per il tuo commento. Orgoglio e posidonia… che bei ricordi eh eh quando scrivevo tutto in italiano e spagnolo. In realtà mi piacerebbe scrivere in italiano ma i miei pazienti parlano generalmente inglese o spagnolo ormai, anche in Italia ormai ho più pubblico internazionale che italiano perché ho vissuto molto all’estero e adesso faccio la spola tra i due paesi, per questo mi sto esercitando. Sto facendo questi post #Usetheenglishluke dove mi esercito con parole nuove e da adesso metto la lista e la traduzione in italiano se ti può interessare! 😉 A Ibiza ho lavorato molto e mi sono si divertito molto. Sia come professionista perché ho imparato anche tante cose, molte lezioni di vita, sia come persona perché il divertimento ci vuole sempre! 😉 Si sono giovane cronologicanente ma vivo, studio e lavoro così intensamente che a volte mi chiamano «vecchio dentro» eh eh. Leggerò con piacere il tuo Blog quando lo attivi e nel frattempo se vuoi scrivermi qui mi farà piacere risponderti!
      Un saluto e passa una splendida giornata!

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  3. I think it is amazing what you do and that is to always help and leave an impact on people. You have done it at work and you do it here on WordPress. You have definitely made a difference for me, so please know that and I’m sure there are many more.
    I discovered your Instagram today 😉 and I’m now a follower under Wildchoicez 😉.

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    1. Wow!!! I’ll check instagram…. wow you’re with two wonderful dogs in the picture? So cool to find interconnected on instagram too!!! It’s a couple months I’ve been trying to make it a part of my life. Before that I’ve been quite critic about social networks, but than I realized that now this is normality and fighting the change, although sometimes it makes you feel uncomfortable for what brings you in your life (like the friendollars I’ll write about tomorrow eheh) is just a waste of time. And, honestly, a connection with some bloggers like you made me realize maybe I was just using the wrong Social for the wrong purpose, so now I’m happy to make them a part of my life! But only because at the end, finally, I can get in contact with real people like you! 😉

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      1. Thank you so much Luca, you always find the kindest words for me and the feeling is mutual for you.
        Yes technology can be curse but also a blessing if used in the right context. It should not drive people apart and take its place where we don’t even communicate anymore, but instead help us and bring us closer together.
        I miss my two dogs but I know they moved on to heaven where hopefully one day I will meet them once more.

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      2. Ow… I’m sorry to hear that. I missed one of my two labradors this summer and it was really hard to accept even if it’s been years they were staying at my parents’ house while I was living abroad. I think they still are with us in our hearts… I know it can be naive, but I believe a part of them becomes a part of us forever…. 🙂
        Thank you for accepting me on instagram. 🙂

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      3. You are absolutely right Luca. Animals are a living soul to me and not just an animal. I don’t even know the meaning of that word and they touch our lives forever. It has been between 2 and 4 years since they are gone, but I still miss them today and I know I always will. One day there will be another furry friend to enrich my life.
        And thank you for the request on Instagram 😉. You probably find some mountain pictures. ❤️💐

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