Evolve your life!

Time to go back to the origins!

Shamanism isn’t just a comfortable belief for people who seeks magic in showbiz and fake cultural stereotypes. Rythm and it’s empowering force is met in modern music as much as in older traditions and we can receive the blessing of sound in a disco floor as much as in a colorful man covered in feather. But if the first one has a special hidden message within it making you wanna party, consume or have sex, the second is just a beacon for people who doesn’t seek a real answer to their problems.

The one true believer (in him/herself) finds what is hidden in the fold of reality and doesn’t just settle for what everyone does. Truth is that being passive about life doesn’t get you anything unless you actually try to reach to your dreams!

How can you always criticize politics, trends or any kind of movement made by «people», but in the moment you actually have to find something better for yourself you always follow «people» footsteps?

Your answer may just not be near home, or in the mall on the other side of the street. And if you want to reach it, you should just move and go for it.

Laziness is an excuse that darkens the future of mankind, and you following false lights are one of the deepest shadows a real light worker is fighting.

Dispel your laziness and try something just for you. Stop believing, try Csélion and evolve your life!

Csélion is a facebook page, hosting everything people with a real balanced heart would say. But it’s an idea first, and a little group of men and women living in different places in the world giving their expertise in scientific view of spiritual life for people who actively seeks them. It’s not a business, it’s not a physical place, it’s not a promise. Although I’m writing it as representative, you won’t know the name of the person you’re speaking to, and neither the face, the likes, the friends. Just the message and the content in it will count.

You come with a question and you’ll find an answer (or you can come with an answer and become part of our group helping people from all over the world.)

Have a hugely fine life!


Publicado por Luca Povoleri De Las Heras

"Communication is Beauty and Beauty will save the world." Hi, I'm Luca Povoleri, now Luca Povoleri De Las Heras after the 22th of September 2018 when I married the man I can lawfully call my husband. I'm a trilingual Life Adventurer working as a psychologist, manager, hr consultant, producer and of course coach with my "Optima Vita 360 - Life & Business" a unique coaching system based on my psychology experience translated into a coaching interface that creates a belief-free system world to improve people's life. I am an international published author with my bilingual book "Super-Viv(i)ente", a psychological survival manual considered a "New Voice" for psychological wellbeing in the covid world and to co-create a new #postcovid world. I'm published by Gruppo Albatros Il Filo in Europe and available in the best bookstores of Italy, Spain and UK. I'm Manager and Producer of one of the most amazing Photography Studios in Madrid where I'm in direct contact with the people making the trending topic of the world: celebrities, footballers, Hollywood actors, international singers etc... This part of my experience made me able to see both non-famous and famous different perspectives in life and love and that helps me connecting with people looking for meaning in a, hopefully, real 360* way. My field of expertise is Communication and Human Systems. I look for beauty and ethics in my work: productions, advertising and photography on one side, healing, empowerment and evolution on the other. We are more than we can see, so you can choose to live and die, or to keep living forever through the results of your actions. I think mankind has the need for evolution which is not a sure ending as most people say, it is a choice. In my spiritual search I trained in the old shamanic ways and I translated it to modern people who doesn't need shortcuts and drugs to reach deeper meditation states. I've been collecting my thougths and help people meditating through the Featherless Shaman shape. No feathers, no stories, Pure Experience, Zero Belief. In the meantime I write about holistic health, wellness and lgbt rights while leading empowerment meetings in Milan, Madrid, Ibizia and London as a Motivational Coach since 2010. Let's evolve together with hope and freedom from prejudice.

9 comentarios sobre “Evolve your life!

    1. Pratico sciamanesimo e altri rituali in formato transculturale come trattamenti complementari e meditazioni di gruppo. So che sembra strano ma mi rivolgo sempre all’uomo comune e persone razionali e pro-scienza. Solo esperienza e nessuna credenza. Sono cose che posso proporre a chiunque senza incontrare resistenze perché non vendo nessuna teoria, solo suono e esperienza personale. Per questo avevo dato inizio al Featherless Shamam. Sono uno sciamano senza piume, senza droghe, senza interpretazioni mistiche… solo un tizio che suona il tamburo. 😉

      Le gusta a 1 persona

  1. Quello che fai con questa forma razionale di sciamanesimo è quello che produco io cognitivamente attraverso la suggestione ipnotica. Molto interessante. La mancanza dell’interpretazione libera il paziente, ma spesso non è questo il suo obiettivo, come concili la libertà di credenza con la scelta di credere?

    Le gusta a 1 persona

    1. Molto fine, ma visti i tuoi precedenti commenti non mi sorprendi eheh… hai proprio ragione sulla questione del conflitto tra liberare dalle credenze limitanti (quelle potenzianti le considero adattive e non ritengo giusto toccarle) e utilizzarle. Ci sono voluti anni per raggiungere un equilibrio tra le due opzioni però è un po’ un mio segreto, ciò che mi rende diverso dal resto di persone che utilizzano questi strumenti, ciò che mi permette di usarli senza chiedere a nessuno di credere in nulla di più di quello in cui credevano una volta entrati nel mio studio. Però se un giorno ci incrociamo mi piacerebbe che provassi una delle mie sessioni di meditazione sciamaniche, sono sicuro che le apprezzeresti con la giusta razionalità del nostro comune titolo di studi. 😉

      Me gusta


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